Today in Jewish History: Anne Frank’s Last Diary Entry

Anne Frank's diary

Anne Frank – Anne Frank’s diary

Anne Frank made her last entry into “Kitty,” her diary, on this date in 1944, after two years in hiding.

“I’m what a romantic film is to a profound thinker,” she complained, “— a mere diversion, a comic interlude, something that is soon forgotten: not bad, but not particularly good either…

“My lighter, more superficial side will always steal a march on the deeper side and therefore always win. You can’t imagine how often I’ve tried to push away this Anne, which is only half of what is known as Anne — to beat her down, hide her. But it doesn’t work, and I know why.

“I’m afraid that people who know me as I usually am will discover I have another side, a better and finer side. I’m afraid they’ll mock me, think I’m ridiculous and sentimental and not take me seriously. I’m used to not being taken seriously, but only the ‘lighthearted’ Anne is used to it and can put up with it; the ‘deeper’ Anne is too weak.”

4 days later, On  morning of 4 August 1944, following a tip from an informer who has never been identified, the Hideout was stormed by a group of German uniformed police.  The Franks, van Pelses, and Pfeffer were taken to RSHA headquarters, where they were interrogated and held. In September , Anne and her family were transported to Auschwitz, where she was ultimately murdered by the Nazis.

Source: Today in Jewish History: Anne Frank’s Last Diary Entry | OnlySimchas – Celebrating Jewish Life

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