The number of anti-Semitic incidents in Britain hit an all-time high in July, according to a report by a Jewish charity.

New figures released by the Community Security Trust (CST) reveal that 302 anti-Semitic incidents were reported in July 2014, a 400 per cent rise from the 59 reported in July 2013.

Figures for July 2014 are the highest since records began in 1984.

A further 150 anti-Semitic incidents were reported in August 2014, the third-highest monthly total on record.

The last time anti-Semitic incidents soared to such a level in the UK was in January 2009 when there were 289 incidents, the second-highest total on record.

CST spokesman Mark Gardner said “The high proportion of offenders who appear to come from sections of the Muslim community is of significant concern, raising fears that the kind of violent anti-Semitism suffered by French Jews in recent years may yet be repeated here in the UK.”

Around 4,500 people rallied outside the Royal Courts of Justice last Sunday afternoon to demand zero tolerance to anti-Semitism.

British chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis told the crowd that “little did we realize that anti-Semitism would reach high levels around the world and here in the UK as well.”

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