Author Archive | JMA


Half a year after brutal axe attack, Tzvika Cohen goes home

Defying the odds, terror victim makes astonishing recovery, is released from hospital nearly 6 months after attack that left him comatose. After he was brutally attacked by an axe-wielding Arab terrorist, doctors predicted Tzvika Cohen might never recover. Comatose for three weeks and suffering severe injuries across his body, the staff at Hadassah Ein Kerem […]

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Abbas Jaw

Abbas’ latest jaw-droppers

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is running scared now that Hamas, his rival, has decided to run in the PA’s municipal election. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was not able to attend last week’s Arab League summit in Mauritania, because he was in mourning for his brother, Omar, who died in Qatar a few days […]

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Gaza sewage plant will receive electricity from Israel

Although a new power line would likely be a reliable source of electricity, there is still concern that the power could be diverted by Hamas, Ben-Dahan said. Just a week after US Congressmen pressed Israeli officials to provide sufficient electricity to Gaza’s sewage treatment plant, Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said that the country is […]

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Israel: Hamas dominates world vision Christian charity

Hamas warehouses were disguised as World Vision warehouses, and trucks bringing supplies from Israel into Gaza unload their goods at those Hamas warehouses instead of legitimate World Vision warehouses. On Wednesday, Christian Today reported that Mohammad El Halabi, an employee of World Vision (WV), the world’s largest evangelical Christian charity, had been detained on June […]

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Telegram ISIS map

IS plans to hit US air bases in Mideast, warn Israelis who hacked Telegram group

Israeli cyberintelligence group Intsights says it breached Telegram group run by jihadists, found list of US bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia to be attacked The Islamic State terror group has issued a specific call to leading activists to target air bases used by the US in Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, an Israeli cyberintelligence […]

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Palestinian schoolgirls walk with a donkey as the West Bank Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim is seen in the background

Is Israel an apartheid state?

By Ron Jontof-Hutter I grew up in South Africa during the apartheid years, born to parents who had survived the Nazis. Thus, I heard firsthand what they experienced, which shaped my sensitivity to social justice and support for civil disobedience against that regime. In 1948, the South African government, under Prime Minister Daniel Francois “D.F.” Malan, […]

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UK: ‘Worrying’ rise in anti-Semitic incidents, charity says

The number of incidents targeting Jews in the UK rose by 11% in the first six months of this year, charity figures suggest. The Community Security Trust said 577 incidents targeting Jews were reported to the charity from January to June, up from 473 in the same period last year. The charity’s chief executive, David […]

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Gush Etzion, Efrat , Betar Illit

INTO THE FRAY: What!!!???????

By MARTIN SHERMAN There is every reason, both “concretely & in principle”, why Jews living in a Palestinian-Arab state, under Palestinian-Arab sovereignty is unacceptable. “There is no reason, concretely and in principle, why Jews should not be able to live in a future Palestinian state” –  Ron Dermer, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, July […]

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