Olympic Committee: Facebook deletes Israel from list of Olympics participants

Olympic Committee

Facebook leaves name ‘Israel’ and flag off of list of countries taking part in Rio Olympics, showing only flag of Israel Olympic Committee.

The Olympic Committee of Israel (OCI), sent an urgent letter to Facebook last night (Wednesday), urging the mammoth social media company to add Israel and its flag to a list on the site of countries competing in the upcoming Rio Olympics, Ynet reported today.

Pending a response from Facebook, it is yet unclear whether the is a coincidental oversight or an intentional slight or statement.

The omission was reportedly first noticed in the evening hours last night, with the OCI Facebook page receiving messages from users complaining that Israel is conspicuously absent from the list of participating countries. The list showed only the flag of the OCI.

The Olympic Committee confirmed they had been alerted to the problem, and told Ynet: “Already yesterday the Olympic Committee sent an urgent request to Facebook to add Israel and its flag to the list of participating countries. The public is invited to visit the OCI page to express support for the members of the Israeli delegation.”

Ynet noted that Israel was the only country that had only the flag of its Olympic Committee listed, without the national flag. While countries like the US, Britain and Canada are listed with the word “Team” in front of the name of the country, their national flag appears.

Source: Facebook deletes Israel from list of Olympics participants – Global Agenda – News –

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