Archive | Features

"View of Jerusalem" (1921) by Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill in Jerusalem, 1921

Winston Churchill in Jerusalem, 1921 By David Semple   Jerusalem was liberated from Turkish rule by General Allenby’s army on December 11 1917, when the last German troops left the city. Accompanied by T E Lawrence, Allenby walked through Jaffa Gate in a ceremony watched by rabbis, muftis, patriarchs, consuls and the Mayor of Jerusalem. Lawrence […]

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Isaac Bashevis Singer at home | Photo: Al Sundel

Heartaches & limitations: A portrait of Isaac Bashevis Singer

Parts of this feature about Polish-born Jewish author Isaac Bashevis Singer first appeared in the now-defunct Partisan Review, under the title “Heartaches and Limitations: Isaac Bashevis Singer.” The piece is written by New York-based writer Al Sundel who knew Singer personally. Singer was a leading figure in the Yiddish literary movement. He believed there was […]

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Prof. Efraim Inbar

INTO THE FRAY: “Mowing the lawn” won’t cut it – My challenge to BESA

By MARTIN SHERMAN By avoiding confrontations in which Israel can win, Israeli governments risk backing the country into a confrontation which it cannot win. Israelis have gradually come to realize that at present the Palestinians are neither a partner for comprehensive peace nor capable of establishing a viable state…The Palestinian Authority has no intention of […]

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Félix Bonfils (1831-1885): Birket, Eretz Yisrael, in late 1800s.

Op-ed: Estate planning 101

Op-ed: Estate planning 101 Written in the form of a ‘mashal’ or parable, this extended allegory about disputed land draws a comparison between two feuding brothers, Ishmael and Isaac,  Arabs and Jews – a similitude that is implied but never made explicit. By Steve Zeff While studying the subject of estate planning for my CFP […]

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Antisemitic cartoon, Norwich 1233

Op-ed: Antisemitism in modern Britain is nothing new

Op-ed: Antisemitism in modern Britain is nothing new By Richard Mather It has emerged that almost 5,850 people have been reported to the UK Labour Party’s executive, more than 3,000 of them for allegations of abuse, with the rest accused of antisemitism and of supporting other political parties, according to The Daily Telegraph. This is […]

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Orthodox Jews in Wales

From medieval persecution to thriving communities, the long and fascinating history of Jews in Wales

By Matthew Williams A long and illustrious chapter of Welsh history that is both quintessentially Welsh and quintessentially Jewish Wales and the Jewish people. Now there’s an association that seldom springs to mind. This is scarcely surprising, as the stereotypical notions of Wales (a quaint, homogeneous rural land reeling from the ravages of industrial fallout) […]

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Irena Sendler

Never forget: Remembering Irena Sendler

The following is an edited extract from a ‘memorial chain’ email that aims to reach forty million people from around the world. It is circulating in memory of the 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated.   Never forget: Remembering […]

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Laurence Smith treks the Pyrenees for Norwood & his disabled son

By Ariel Zorrowski /JMA This is a collation of photos and excerpts from the blog of Laurence Smith Jewish dad, Laurence Smith is trekking 540 miles through the Pyrenees mountain range to raise funds for the Norwood care home looking after his disabled son Jeremy. I am walking 540 miles along the Pyrenees from the Atlantic to Mediterranean […]

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Kafka: Penguin Modern Classic book covers

‘3412 Kafka’: Out-of-this-world Jewish writing

‘3412 Kafka’: Out-of-this-world Jewish writing By Richard Mather… Earlier this month, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that the manuscripts of Czech-Jewish novelist Franz Kafka are the property of the National Library of Israel. The manuscripts have been in the possession of the family of Esther Hoffe, the secretary of Kafka’s friend Max Brod. The family had […]

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Israeli activist hunts down African wildlife traffickers

How one idealistic man from Tel Aviv has successfully taken on the vast brutal cartel of African wildlife corrupt officials profiting from slaughter and plunder. It all began with a baby chimpanzee orphaned by a poacher in Cameroon. Tel Aviv native Ofir Drori, intending to do some investigative journalism after finishing his Israeli army service, […]

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