The Knesset approved a bill that will allow the courts to sentence convicted terrorists and murderers under the age of 14 to closed facilities.
When the convicted minors reach the age of 14, a court will revisit their cases and determine how they will continue their Imprisonment.
Tonight (Tuesday), the “Youth Bill,” which will allow the authorities to imprison a minor convicted of serious crimes such as murder, attempted murder or manslaughter even if he or she is under the age of 14, passed its second and third readings. In its third reading, 32 MKs supported the bill proposed by MK Anat Berko (Likud), while 16 MKs opposed it and one MK abstained from voting.
In accordance to the bill that passed tonight, the courts will be allowed to set discussions regarding the imprisoned juvenile while he or she is being held at a close facility. During the discussions, the courts will be allowed to postpone the convicted minor’s transfer date from the closed facility to a prison, shorten the convicted minor’s prison sentence or cancel the prison sentence.
Berko explained that the bill seeks to punish terrorists who carried out attacks during the current terror wave, some of whom are under the age of 14. “The seriousness we ascribe to terrorism and terrorist acts that cause injuries and damages and the fact that these terrorist acts are also carried out by minors, prompts us to address the minors convicted of these crimes in a more serious light,” explained Berko. “This is in order to make sure that these minors will not enjoy the rights granted to those who committee crimes of criminal nature.”
Source: Imprisonment for terrorists under the age of 14 – Israel Politics News | JerusalemOnline