Archive | Opinion

Prof. Efraim Inbar

INTO THE FRAY: “Mowing the lawn” won’t cut it – My challenge to BESA

By MARTIN SHERMAN By avoiding confrontations in which Israel can win, Israeli governments risk backing the country into a confrontation which it cannot win. Israelis have gradually come to realize that at present the Palestinians are neither a partner for comprehensive peace nor capable of establishing a viable state…The Palestinian Authority has no intention of […]

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burkini. Israel News

Israel’s ‘burkini’ values

By JPost Editorial Western societies are attacking symbols. A survey in Canada in 2015 found that 82 percent opposed people wearing a niqab during a citizenship ceremony. On Monday, Jerusalem Post photographer Marc Israel Sellem went to the beach near the old port of Jaffa and photographed three women enjoying a day in the sand. […]

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Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Op-ed: Why is Jonathan Pollard being forced to violate the Jewish Sabbath?

There was always something wrong about the Jonathan Pollard case, a cloud of hovering stench. By Varda Meyers Epstein There was always something wrong about the Pollard case, a cloud of hovering stench. Pollard was punished for giving critical info to an ally; info the U.S. was bound to give that ally (Israel) according to […]

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Félix Bonfils (1831-1885): Birket, Eretz Yisrael, in late 1800s.

Op-ed: Estate planning 101

Op-ed: Estate planning 101 Written in the form of a ‘mashal’ or parable, this extended allegory about disputed land draws a comparison between two feuding brothers, Ishmael and Isaac,  Arabs and Jews – a similitude that is implied but never made explicit. By Steve Zeff While studying the subject of estate planning for my CFP […]

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A Syrian refugee is treated at Ziv Medical Center in Israel. Photo: Ziv Medical Center.

Op-ed: Why does ‘The Forward’ despise Israel?

Why does The Forward despise Israel? By Elder of Ziyon/The Algemeiner The Forward has a truly disgusting article by Lisa Goldman, entitled “Feel-Good Stories Obscure Ugly Mideast Truths.” Excerpts: The Israeli government invests considerable effort in promoting its image in the foreign media. It’s called “hasbara,” which comes from the Hebrew root “to explain.” Israelis tend […]

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Antisemitic cartoon, Norwich 1233

Op-ed: Antisemitism in modern Britain is nothing new

Op-ed: Antisemitism in modern Britain is nothing new By Richard Mather It has emerged that almost 5,850 people have been reported to the UK Labour Party’s executive, more than 3,000 of them for allegations of abuse, with the rest accused of antisemitism and of supporting other political parties, according to The Daily Telegraph. This is […]

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Op-ed: Believe it or not, the Rio Olympics were great for the Jews!

By Jeffrey S. Gurock The International Olympic Committee could teach the United Nations a thing or two about treating Israel fairly Over the past few decades, international organizations have done their utmost to exclude Israel from the family of nations. One such worldwide association, the Olympics, ostensibly dedicated to fair play, comradeship and the promotion of […]

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Op-ed: UNRWA and its dark agenda

By Ron Jontof-Hutter UNRWA was founded under UNGA Resolution 302 in 1949. Set apart from the UNHCR that deals with all the world’s refugees, UNRWA is unique and only deals with Palestine refugees. Its separateness and absurd definition of inherited refugee status is reminiscent of Augustine’s “eternal witness,” whereby Jews were permitted to exist, but […]

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Israel’s security imperatives

INTO THE FRAY – To: “Bogy” Yaalon; cc: Dore Gold; Re: Israel’s security imperatives

By MARTIN SHERMAN What are the political ramifications of the security prescription authored by the former Defense Minister and the current Director-General of the Foreign Ministry? Israel’s security depends on its retaining defensible borders. This means maintaining control over key areas of Judea and Samaria and certainly over an undivided Jerusalem…This is also why it […]

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