Tag Archives | Aliyah

More than 200 North Americans immigrate to Israel

(JNS.org) More than 200 North Americans who immigrated to Israel on Tuesday were welcomed at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv by family, friends and prominent Israeli leaders. “We are celebrating today the aliyah of hundreds of new olim who will begin their lives in the Jewish State, many of whom are modern-day pioneers moving to […]

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Government to pass new holiday: Aliyah Day

For first time, Israeli government to officially dedicate a day to demonstrate appreciation for people who make aliyah; Oleh leader: ‘We come here to give, to be pioneers.’ The Knesset is expected to unanimously approve on Monday a second and third reading of a bill which will introduce a new holiday in Israel: Aliyah Day. […]

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EL AL Aircraft

Outrage Over Special Labeling for French Passports of Jews on Aliyah

Outrage Over Special Labeling for French Passports of Jews on Aliyah; Residence Listed as ‘Israel/Palestinian Territories’ By Ruthie Blum Prominent Jews expressed outrage this week over new French Foreign Ministry “software” that lists the residency of French citizens who made aliyah as “Israel/Palestinian Territories” in their passports. “Grotesque” is how Nidra Poller – an American […]

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The Jewish lifeboat

The Jewish lifeboat By Steve Zeff For many years I dreamed of making Aliyah. There were obstacles to this, some of which were actually valid but most, if truth be told, were vague reservations around earning a living and tolerating the Middle Eastern culture. The truth was I was too comfortable in my Diaspora life. […]

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My Theodor Herzl moment

My Theodor Herzl moment By Richard Mather… In 1894, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army, was unfairly accused of treason. Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl witnessed mobs shouting “Death to the Jews” in France and decided there was only one way out of the mess: the mass migration of Jews to a […]

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Healed at the Kotel – a Plea with G-d.

Healed at the Kotel – a plea with G-d. by JMA Writer, Avital Vaynapel We often deem G-d’s miracles a thing of the past, but does He still work in not-so-mysterious ways? I spoke with Aaron Goldhammer, a young Israeli settler who had witnessed his own personal miracle after his first trip to Israel. Aaron grew […]

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I don’t want to wait anymore

By Avital Yates I’m typing on the coach to Jerusalem, with no Wi-Fi, but with time to reflect. This is my second trip to Israel in the last few months, and the more time has gone on, the smaller the gaps between my visits to the Holy Land. I can’t stay away. My whole life […]

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