Tag Archives | Islam


The Incipient Jihad

By Paul Mirbach  Idi Amin Dada, with enough self-bestowed titles and positions after his name to fill up a paragraph, will always be remembered by the Israelis as the Ugandan president who gave sanctuary to the hijackers of the Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris. He greeted the Israeli hostages with saying that […]

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We, the American People

By Judi Wolder  I remember the day I took the oath as a citizen of the United States of America: I hereby declare, on oath that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject […]

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There is nothing legitimate about Islam’s claim to be the original faith. Similarly, there is nothing legitimate about the Palestinian aspiration for nationhood. The desire to eradicate Israel can be explained by Islam’s anxiety of influence. By JMA editor Richard Mather  The Islamic desire to eradicate the Jewish people can perhaps be explained by the following proposition: […]

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The sound of silence: a letter to my Muslim brothers and sisters

By Judi Wolder To my Muslim brothers and sisters. I am a Jew and I have some questions for you. While I try to see the similarities between us – having a common spiritual ancestor in Abraham, worshipping one God, believing in angels and prophets, abiding by dietary laws and circumcising our male children – […]

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Generational concerns

By Jeff Levy Anyone familiar with Twitter and Facebook is likely to be struck by the politicisation of social media. The cross-pollination of ideas, actions and debate is, in my opinion, a good thing. It seems that British Jewry has found some voices in the tumultuous times we live in. However, there are still not […]

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