Tag Archives | JMA

Lara Kroll on Salford City radio

JMA CEO on Salford City Radio

JMA CEO on Salford City Radio Lara Kroll, founder and CEO of JMA Jewish Media Agency was interviewed on ‘Jewish Hour’ on Salford City Radio. Here is the recording.  

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By JMA editor Richard Mather… So what (and who) is JMA? The fifty days of Operation Protective Edge, the hostility of the media during that period and the upswing in anti-Semitic attacks in the summer of 2014, all had a galvanising impact on Jewish community groups. One grassroots organisation to be established in 2014 was the […]

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By JMA editor Richard Mather The fifty days of Operation Protective Edge in 2014 was a bad time for Jews. It was bad for Israelis for obvious reasons. But Jews in places as far apart as Britain and Australia were also under attack – from Israelophobes, anti-Semites and a hostile media as well as politicians. […]

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