Tag Archives | left-fascism

When the West Bank becomes Hamastan will the Left be so keen on a Palestinian state?

By Barry Shaw The Left, of whatever stripe, are falling over themselves to promote the Valhallah of Palestine. Whoever promotes Palestine today promotes the rise of Hamas. It’s as inevitable as storms after strong winds. This may not do this intentionally, but it will be the result. From radical Marxists to Social Democrats to Laborites, […]

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Dogma and the death of ‘difference’

By Shelley Glaser A friend recently posted a link to an op-ed on her Facebook page. It was about Jews who are anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. She said she didn’t see the value of the article and asked, ‘Why should we care that there are Jewish self-haters?’ She felt that the article in question gave these […]

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‘Palestine’: doing to your own that which you would not have Israel do to you

By Paul Mirbach The alliance between the radical Left and the Palestinian cause is now a commonplace political axis. I suppose it is understandable on a superficial level. It has always been the Left’s favourite pastime to champion the cause of the downtrodden (except when it came to the Jews’ plight in the 1930s). They […]

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Recently we have witnessed the rise of the New Left which identifies Israel with the establishment, with acquisition, with smug satisfaction, with, in fact, all the basic enemies … Let there be no mistake: the New Left is the author and the progenitor of the new anti-Semitism. (Former Israeli former minister Abba Eban, writing in […]

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