Tag Archives | Obama

Buried beneath the newsprint

  By JMA editor Richard Mather.   It was only when Snake emerged from a black hole between Mecca and Medina that God realised there was a big problem.   Speaking from the side of his mouth, Snake let loose Sin and Death and oppressed Israel with rockets and UN resolutions.   Cruel words were […]

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By Barry Shaw  Hear the words of President Obama’s Department of Defense Spokesman about the Egyptian air strike against Islamic State targets following the wholesale beheadings of twenty one Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya: We discourage other nations from taking a part in Libya’s issues through violence. We want the issues solved in Libya to […]

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Obama’s final two years is a long time in politics

By Shelley Glaser  Whenever Obama says or does something inappropriate or inexplicable, there is the oft-repeated rejoinder, “There are only two years left of his presidency.” Well, two years is a long time in politics. Since the start of this year, Mr Obama has secretly met with affiliates of the Muslim brotherhood at the White […]

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The Leader of the Free World

By Shelley Glaser  Obama’s response to Netanyahu’s acceptance of Congress’ invitation has been very revealing of the American president’s international foreign policy, his attitude towards Israel and the way he deals with dissent. Congress invited Netanyahu to address a special session on the Iranian nuclear threat, but the White House claims it was not notified […]

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