Tag Archives | Palestine


Google slammed for removing Palestine from its maps

The Palestinian Journalists’ Forum has denounced Google for deleting the name of Palestine from its maps and replacing it with Israel. In a statement released yesterday, the forum said Google’s decision to remove Palestine from its maps on 25 July “is part of the Israeli scheme to establish its name as a legitimate state for […]

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Arab violence in Bethelehem

Humanitarian Relocation of Arabs may be Israel’s only Remaining Option

Humanitarian Relocation of Arabs may be Israel’s only Remaining Option By Richard Mather Consideration should be given even to the heroic remedy of transfer of populations […] the hardship of moving is great, but it is less than the constant suffering of minorities and the constant recurrence of war – US president Herbert Hoover, 1943. […]

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For many people, salvation is not of the Jews but of the Palestinians

People around the world are calling for Jews to be exiled from Eretz Israel. This new anti-Semitic dogma is being driven by a new quasi-religion called Palestinianism, which has positioned itself as the most contemporary interfaith ideology. For Christians, Muslims, atheists and even Jews, Palestinianism offers a new kind of replacement theology in which Palestine […]

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The Inappropriate wording by UNESCO

By Ariel Zorrowski In recent days we have seen UNESCO add, and then remove, the Western Wall into a document claiming it as part of the Al Asqa Mosque. There was outrage on social media, especially in Israel with questions like, “what next” and “are they mad”  and some more choice words. I had a look […]

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An Open Letter to all that Support a State Called ‘Palestine’

By Howard Klineberg Dear PSC, BDS, Yachad, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Roger Waters, Miriam Margolis, George Galloway, Sir Gerald Kaufman, Lord Paddy Ashdown, Baroness Warsi, The EU, Jeremy Corbyn, War on Want, Stop the War Coalition, Oxfam, The UK Labour Party etc. with apologies for anyone not mentioned above or ‘E&OE’. I’ve been deep […]

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The two state solution is not dead

     By Justin Amler An editorial I read recently lamented the end of the two state solution. Essentially, it said the time had come to recognize that the two state solution is dead. But I disagree. Because to me, the two state solution is not dead – it was never alive in the first […]

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Lloyd George

David Lloyd George and the Liberation of Jerusalem

by David Semple Israel would not exist today were it not for the brilliant wartime leadership of David Lloyd George during the First World War. For it was Britain under the leadership of Lloyd George which created the Mandate of Palestine with a policy of Zionist nation-state building. And it was Lloyd George who made […]

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On the Arab theft of Judeo-Palestinian heritage: Chutzpah or Hasāfah?

 By JMA editor Richard Mather… The biggest fraud of the 20th century is the commonly-held belief that “colonialist Jews” invaded a country called Palestine and displaced its native inhabitants. This is false for a number of reasons. Firstly, the native inhabitants of the land called Palestine were Jews. Indeed, there has been a continuous Jewish […]

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