Tag Archives | Passover

Scroll of Esther

Reflections: Between Purim and Pesach, the Exile and lessons to be learned

Reflections: Between Purim and Pesach, the Exile and lessons to be learned By Paul Mirbach Today is Purim. We celebrate, once again, the redemption of the Jews from genocide. Tragedy was averted by some quick thinking and the use of womanly wiles. Whether any divine intervention was involved or not, is a question of interpretation […]

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Ten Modern Plagues

To mark the end of the Jewish festival of Passover, the Jewish Media Agency’s Avital Vaynapel has compiled her own (sometimes humorous) litany of the top ten contemporary plagues. In reverse order, here we go…. Technology Now, we all love technology. I have an iPhone in my bag, pocket or hand for most of the day. My son […]

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Life Lessons from the Pesach Seder Plate

By Shelley Glaser Pesach, like all Jewish festivals, has both a body and a soul. The body consists of the laws, rituals and traditions, and the soul consists of their inner meaning and significance. Our work in this world is to transform that which is purely physical into that which is spiritual. The entire Seder, […]

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Horseradish and Jam

By Daniel Abelman Of the long gone glorious days of my youth that were few and far between, there remain only fond memories. One can only pine for those annual, lazy, long Easter weekends, which gave singular respite from bilious Monday mornings, when school was put off for a day or two. Memories of picnics […]

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Noahides and the Celebration of Passover

By JMA editor Richard Mather Religious holidays can be strange times for Noahides. Noahides do not observe Christian festivals like Easter and Christmas, and yet they may find themselves cut off from the celebration of Passover, partly because there are no Noahide customs to speak of and partly because many Noahides are not attached to […]

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