Tag Archives | Settlements

Hello? Is anybody there?

By Paul Mirbach  World Jewry is in crisis. Perhaps we are not aware that there is a crisis, but it is growing. My uncle used to say about drinking gin, that you never felt you were getting drunk, until it crept up and suddenly hit you. This is what is happening to World Jewry. What […]

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By T J Caplan Oh no, they’re at it again. Those uniquely Israeli creatures, the “settlers,” are causing trouble. This time they’ve had the chutzpah to – brace yourselves – buy homes in east Jerusalem. And everyone from the US State Department, to smug British backbenchers, to some diaspora Jews, loathes them for it. Because […]

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Why settlements are an obstacle to peace

The same universal standards that gave the Jews the right to self-determination apply to the Palestinian Arabs as well, argues Paul Mirbach in the wake of the House of Commons vote on Palestine. By Paul Mirbach The same universal standards that gave the Jews the right to self-determination apply to other peoples as well, including […]

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By Richard Mather, JMA editor  A plan to build homes for Jews triggers international outrage. A scheme to build homes for east Jerusalem’s Arab populations is virtually ignored by the international media? Why the disparity? When Israel recently declared its intention to develop 400 hectares of land in Gush Etzion (an area settled before 1947, […]

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