Tag Archives | War

Third Lebanon-Israel War: Not ‘If’ but ‘When’

Iran-backed Hezbollah already mounting on Jewish state’s border By Eliana Rudee In the Middle East, non-state actors, terrorist organizations, and regimes prepare for war long before it appears imminent. Considered inevitable, the only question is timing. Since the last Lebanon-Israel war in 2006, the border has seen deceptively few altercations. Instead, there has been significant […]

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Terrorism in Orlando

Terrorism: Stop the mud-slinging, fight the war

Op-ed: After Orlando, we can spend the next few weeks venting our fears and frustrations. Or we can get serious about thwarting death cult extremism I don’t have a panacea to prevent terrorism, but amid all the hand-wringing and mud-slinging in the wake of Sunday’s massacre in Orlando, what’s striking — and unforgivable — is […]

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They Can Shoot Us on Their Beaches!

By Anthony Posner In 1940, when things were looking even bleaker than today, Churchill roused the nation: “We will fight them on the beaches” and, of course, “we will never be defeated”. As far as I am aware, this was not perceived by the Brits as some sort of foreign holiday by the sea. No, […]

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