Tag Archives | Abbas


Is it time for Israel to recognise a Palestinian State?

By Howard Klineberg  Mahmoud Abbas has stated at the Arab League meeting this weekend in Cairo that he (that is, the Palestinian Authority) will never recognise Israel as a Jewish State. Abbas charged that instead of advancing the peace process, Israel was working to set up an apartheid state, including Jews-only buses, establishment of Israeli […]

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Who let the pigs out?

By JMA editor Richard Mather  Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, claims Israel is using wild pigs to upset Arabs in Judea and Samaria.  “Every night they release wild pigs against us”, the president was quoted as saying at a conference in Ramallah on Friday night, before adding “Why are they doing this?” Good […]

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By JMA editor Richard Mather  Everybody wants to boycott Israel. And it’s so easy because there’s so much to boycott. Israel is a miracle nation. It is a major player in so many sectors: hi-tech, medical, creative, R&D, finance, science, academia, agriculture. The list goes on. What do the Arabs make? Well, the Arab nations […]

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Should Abbas and the PA pay the price?

By JMA editor Richard Mather  One of the most powerful committees in the USA has told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to stop the incitement against Israelis. Although the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee “remains committed” to funding the PA, congressman have raised concerns that Abbas is not doing enough to halt terrorism. In a […]

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Abbas’ raid on the 1967 borders

By David Semple The political council of the PLO has announced it intends to submit a resolution to the UN Security Council to demand the “full withdrawal of Israel, the occupying power, from all the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, as rapidly as possible and to be fully completed within a specific […]

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Abbas is the real obstacle to a Palestinian state

By Barry Shaw, the consultant on delegitimisation issues to the Strategic Dialogue Center at Netanya Academic College in Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, and Israel’s so-called “moderate peace partner,” made these remarks about Israel at the podium of the UN General Assembly: Israel committed “genocide” in the recent Gaza conflict. Israel committed a […]

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