Tag Archives | Antisemitism

Mock Israeli Checkpoint

Cambridge University may face Legal Action over Mock Israeli Checkpoint

Cambridge University may face legal action over mock Israeli checkpoint By Richard Mather Jewish Human Rights Watch is considering taking “legal remedies” against the University of Cambridge, England, after it emerged that the university had approved the construction of a mock Israeli checkpoint. The structure comprises a metal fence and barbed wire, and is adorned […]

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Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz Slams International Community For Anti-Israel Bias

In this video, Alan Dershowitz, renowned speaker, author and Harvard law professor, discusses the bias of many in the international community towards Israel. Dershowitz says he has asked hundreds of often-hostile audiences to “name a country facing threats comparable to…Israel…(with) a better record of human rights…concern for civilians, a better record of legal issues and […]

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Debra Corso in Facebook Jail - The Big Lie

The Big Lie

The Big Lie By Debra Corso Greetings from cell block FB! Several days ago Facebook informed me that three of my posts violated Facebook’s community standards and, as a result, my posting privileges had been suspended. But my posts did not include hate speech. They were not violent, nor did they incite violence. They did […]

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Ted Nugent

Jewish Gun Club Condemns Ted Nugent Antisemitic Statements, Calls on NRA to Take Action

Jewish Gun Club Condemns Ted Nugent Antisemitic Statements, Calls on NRA to Take Action PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10 – The Golani Rifle & Pistol Club (Golani RPC) today issued a strong condemnation of the anti-Semitic Facebook posts by rock musician and National Rifle Association (NRA) Board Member Ted Nugent. His posts suggest that Jews are behind […]

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“Israeli Apartheid Week” in May 2010 on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus. Photo: AMCHA Initiative.

Broken Windows: How US Universities Encourage Hate Speech against Jews and Israel

Broken Windows: How US Universities Encourage Hate Speech against Jews and Israel By Leora Eisenberg The facade of a building conveys the general state of affairs inside. If a building is kept clean, we conclude that those inside it care about its upkeep and productivity. By the same token, if a building has broken windows, […]

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The Twisted Morals of Anti-Israel Jewish Students

By Leora Eisenberg It takes a certain kind of moral distortion to stand against Israel nowadays – the kind of moral distortion that comes with rebellious youthfulness, an over-inflated ego, and misplaced progressive values. Jewish students, ones who come from pro-Israel homes with pro-Israel parents, announce with pride that they have “overcome the pro-Israel media […]

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For many people, salvation is not of the Jews but of the Palestinians

People around the world are calling for Jews to be exiled from Eretz Israel. This new anti-Semitic dogma is being driven by a new quasi-religion called Palestinianism, which has positioned itself as the most contemporary interfaith ideology. For Christians, Muslims, atheists and even Jews, Palestinianism offers a new kind of replacement theology in which Palestine […]

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South African Lawyer says “Bloody Israelis Should be Exterminated”

By Shelley Glaser Maureen Jansen, a South African lawyer, reportedly posted on her Facebook page this week that the “Bloody Israelis should be exterminated along with all the ‘Jews’ everywhere who support Israel by action or silence.” Being a Jewish, South African lawyer and a member of the South African Law Society, Jansen’s words have […]

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Israel and its Sons

By Shelley Glaser I came across an interesting fact the other day about Israel. If you are an only son you are exempt from serving in a combat unit of the IDF, unless your parents give you written permission to do so. The same goes for all bereaved families who have lost a loved one […]

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