Tag Archives | BDS


Europe – and echoes from the past

A synagogue on fire during Kristallna​cht, Siegen, Germany, 11/10/1938. Yad Vashem Photo Archive By Barry Shaw As a million anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist migrants flood Europe they find a host continent in support of their anti-Israel passion. As Jews commemorate Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, when Nazi brown-shirts burnt Jewish books, burnt down synagogues with Jews inside, […]

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BDS Manchester

End the BDS Occupation of Manchester!

By David Semple According to Sky News and other media outlets, there is a Palestinian uprising in “Occupied East Jerusalem”. The western media accuses Israel of oppressing the Palestinians in “the Occupied Territories” or the “West Bank”. The use of the term “occupied” to describe Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is completely wrong. The […]

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An Open Letter to all that Support a State Called ‘Palestine’

By Howard Klineberg Dear PSC, BDS, Yachad, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Roger Waters, Miriam Margolis, George Galloway, Sir Gerald Kaufman, Lord Paddy Ashdown, Baroness Warsi, The EU, Jeremy Corbyn, War on Want, Stop the War Coalition, Oxfam, The UK Labour Party etc. with apologies for anyone not mentioned above or ‘E&OE’. I’ve been deep […]

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Why Do You Hate the Jews?

Why Do You Hate the Jews? Who Will Take The Test? By Chloe Ross I shall be quite surprised if anyone accepts the challenge, but it is a revealing test and it could yield revealing answers.  As people (some people) Support BDS – I have to ask why in a broader sense. I can see that […]

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Finally, a one word answer to BDS

By Shelley Glaser For years the Israeli government, its people, intellectuals and pro Israel advocates have been trying to find a way of dealing with the BDS movement which has been so successful worldwide, not because of the justness of its cause but because it has plugged into the highest ‘moral’ compass and value since […]

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The Strange World of Max Blumenthal and the BDS Movement

Photo via Twitter The Strange World of Max Blumenthal and the BDS Movement By David Semple Max Blumenthal used to write for something called Al Akhbar, although he is an American and also used to write for anti-conservative website Media Matters for America. He’s the son of a former aide to Bill Clinton, Sydney Blumenthal, […]

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South African youth leaders traveled to Israel

By Shelley Glaser  A delegation of 16  for seven days this month, under the auspices of the SA-Israel Forum (SAIF). Dan Brotman, the director of SAIF, told Haaretz that the aim was “not to make [the students] pro-Israel, but to expose them to a narrative they really don’t hear in South Africa.” But before the […]

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Ben-Gurion University president receives British Empire medal and condemns BDS

By JMA editor Richard Mather Professor Rivka Carmi, the president of Ben-Gurion University, has been honoured by British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould. Professor Carmi received an honorary Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the name of Queen Elizabeth II earlier this week at the British Ambassador’s Residence in Ramat Gan. The medal and […]

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