BDS-holes film themselves committing a crime

Crime: Filming yourself in the commission of a criminal act – while encouraging others to do so – does not seem like a smart move

Filming yourself in the commission of a criminal act – while encouraging others to do so – does not seem like a smart move

By Aussie Dave – Israellycool

Filming yourself in the commission of a crime does not seem like a smart move

For a while now, BDS-holes belonging to a group called Canadians for Justice & Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) have been defacing Israeli products by affixing stickers to them.

In recent weeks, the stickers had been affixed to bottles of Israeli wine in Vancouver, British Columbia, and to grocery products in Calgary, Alberta.

Both affected companies removed the labels and vowed increased vigilance.

CJPME is urging activists to post Facebook pictures of the labels stuck on products.

The Jewish Defense League of Canada has written to the federal minister of public safety that “conspiring with other groups and persons to willfully damage business premises and impeding people from carrying on normal business … must be stopped.”

Also, the JDL said it has brought the matter to the attention of the Canada Revenue Agency, as CJPME’s charitable arm, the CJPME Foundation, is registered as a federal charity that issues tax receipts for donations and lists the same address as the CJPME.

Now this group has done something really stupid – filming “educational videos” showing them clearly in the act of defacing the products.

(Update: Since I posted this, CJPME took down the YouTube videos. I suspected this would happen, so I downloaded the videos beforehand and have uploaded them to Vimeo)

In this first video, an overly cheerful BDS-hole by the name of  instructs viewers as to which brands are Israeli, while clearly placing some stickers on products.

And here she instructs viewers as to how to place the stickers most effectively, while again being filmed doing so.

Read full article at: BDS-Holes Film Themselves Committing A Crime by Aussie Dave | Israellycool

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