Archive | Features


Pesach and poverty: Angels in Israel’s shadows

Pesach and poverty: Angels in Israel’s shadows By Paul Mirbach You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land (Devarim 15:11) It is now a tradition: Twice a year, it seems, Israeli society wakes from the slumber of concern for oneself, and dedicates its thoughts […]

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"Islam will dominate the world"

Islam and terror: Attempts at apologetics

Islam and terror: Attempts at apologetics By Professor Martin  Sherman Barely twenty days before the bloody massacre at the Paris offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and the subsequent slaughter among the shelves of the kosher supermarket Hyper Cacher in the French capital — both perpetrated in the name of Islam — I took […]

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What motivates BDS?

What motivates BDS? By Jonathan Fenton-Harvey The BDS movement is an enigma. Describing itself as a “truly global movement against Israeli Apartheid”; it comes across as obtrusive and hostile towards supporters of Israel. Even notorious anti-Israel Professor Norman Finkelstein called BDS a ‘cult’. Yet it clearly views itself as righteous and just. This reeks of […]

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The imaginary Jew-Zionist

The imaginary Jew-Zionist Anti-Zionists don’t always require flesh and blood Jews to pursue and harass. Anti-Zionists can thrive without Jews because it is the idea of the Jew-Zionist as devil, as diabolical Other, that motivates their hatred. By Richard Mather… Throughout the ages, Jew-hatred has taken on different forms at different times. Sometimes it is […]

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Barack Obama

See no evil: Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike

See no evil: Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike By Madison Gesiotto From the 2009 Fort Hood shooting to the 2015 San Bernardino massacre and the recent Brussels bombings, radical Islamic terrorists have been wreaking havoc and destroying lives worldwide. In just the last five years of the Obama administration, […]

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Swedish-Jewish activist ‘not surprised’ Israeli teacher in Malmo told to seek employment elsewhere

Swedish-Jewish activist ‘not surprised’ Israeli teacher in Malmo told to seek employment far from school children ‘who hate Jews’ By Ruthie Blum A Swedish-Jewish intellectual said she was “not the least bit surprised” to learn of a report in the Israeli press on Tuesday about a teacher in Malmo who was fired for being a Jew. Annika […]

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Tzohar logo

Tzohar applauds ‘landmark ruling’ that says Israel must accept private Orthodox conversions

Tzohar applauds ‘landmark ruling’ that says Israel must accept private Orthodox conversions By Richard Mather The Tzohar Rabbinical Organization has applauded the Israeli Supreme Court’s “landmark decision” to recognise as legally binding private Orthodox conversions performed outside of the auspices of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. A panel of High Court judges, led by Supreme Court […]

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The BBC’s militant tendency

The BBC’s militant tendency By Richard Mather Following the atrocities in Brussels, the BBC’s flagship News At Ten programme referred to the bombers as “militants” rather than “terrorists.” Initially, I thought this was a mistake. And then the BBC did it again, this time in the context of events in Syria and Iraq where Isis […]

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Jewish psychology without Freud and what it means for social welfare in Israel

Jewish psychology without Freud and what it means for social welfare in Israel

Jewish psychology without Freud and what it means for social welfare in Israel By Richard Mather For over a century, Sigmund Freud has cast a shadow over Western psychoanalysis after developing the theory that humans have an unconscious in which sexual and aggressive impulses are in conflict with the defences against them. Most notable is […]

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Scroll of Esther

Reflections: Between Purim and Pesach, the Exile and lessons to be learned

Reflections: Between Purim and Pesach, the Exile and lessons to be learned By Paul Mirbach Today is Purim. We celebrate, once again, the redemption of the Jews from genocide. Tragedy was averted by some quick thinking and the use of womanly wiles. Whether any divine intervention was involved or not, is a question of interpretation […]

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