Tag Archives | IDF


The Silence: Best Kept, or Best Broken?

The Silence: Best Kept, or Best Broken? By Paul Mirbach Wearing the mantle of having the most moral army in the world is a heavy burden to bear. The distinction is hard earned and paid for in blood by IDF soldiers. Maintaining that distinction in the context of never ending conflict and violence is a […]

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Israel and its Sons

By Shelley Glaser I came across an interesting fact the other day about Israel. If you are an only son you are exempt from serving in a combat unit of the IDF, unless your parents give you written permission to do so. The same goes for all bereaved families who have lost a loved one […]

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IDF Warns Soldiers: Beware CIA Recruitment Attempts

IDF Information Security Issues Warning to Soldiers: Beware CIA Recruitment Attempts In a highly unusual move, the IDF Information Security Dept has sent a letter to IDF soldiers, warning them that the USA’s Central Intelligence Agency is attempting to recruit soldiers from elite units. IDF soldiers were advised to immediately contact their superiors in case […]

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Palestinian Shot Dead on Gaza Border

Palestinian Shot dead A Palestinian man was shot dead on the border with Gaza – Medics report. More follows…

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Come Home Safe

Come Home Safe A Poem by Paul Mirbach   I watch your back, your purposeful stride Your broad strong shoulders, I’m filled with pride. I wait in silence, till you’re out of sight, I miss you so much, it’s a stinging bite, And as I can’t wait to see you again, I’ll count the days, […]

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Serving in the IDF: Recollections of an Israeli soldier

By Paul Mirbach.  “This is the only army in the world where if a Jew gets put on the graveyard shift for guard duty, he doesn’t think it’s because he is Jewish,” said Robert on the night of 24 January 1984. My first night in the army. We were exhausted, emotionally drained and in somewhat in […]

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