Israel at The Crossroads



by David Semple

We see the twin heads of the snake: the rising Muslim population in Europe, and the rise of antisemitism in the West. This is why Israel cannot afford to make any mistakes; mistakes for Israel are a threat not only to Israel but to world Jewry, which relies on Israel as a place of sanctuary. That’s what was missing during the Holocaust as a result of Britain’s restricted immigration policy in the Palestine Mandate.

Both Caroline Glick’s “One State”, which she calls the Israeli Solution, the Oslo Accords, and Bill Clinton’s naive dream of a “Two-State Solution”, will lead to the genocide of Israel by deranged Palestinian and Arab murderers, Islamic terrorists organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, and Iran, all of whom are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. This must be seen for what it is before Israel ends up like the Lodz ghetto, liquidated in the end, after futile human sacrifices.

Europe is falling apart under the flood of Islamic refugees, importing antisemitism and anti-Zionism from the Arab world. Conversely, Jews are leaving Europe in droves and making Aliyah to Israel. The recent Islamic State terror attacks, not just in Paris, but all over France and Belgium, have increased the Jewish exodus. The 2014 Paris Kristallnacht, with Muslim mobs attacking synagogues and Jews being assaulted in their homes, was the first warning that Europeans are turning a blind eye towards Islamic violence against Jewish people.

There are only a million and half Jews in Europe and Britain today, whereas the Jewish population of Europe before the rise of Adolf Hitler was in excess of ten million. For the Jewish people, this amounts to an emergency situation. The post-WW 2 collapse of Christianity in Europe and Britain has brought about the rise of Marxist totalitarian intolerance of free speech and liberal capitalism, especially on Western campuses. Meanwhile, the European Union, in Hitler-style fashion, has labelled products from Judea and Samaria in Israel in a new Nazi-style boycott.

Increasingly, it looks as though there is no future for Jews and Judaism in Europe, whereas the rise of Islam in Europe looks irreversible. Europeans are dying out because they no longer have large families. Christianity is on its last legs in Europe. Muslims in Europe are having much larger families than Europeans, yet they are not embracing European values. Most European Muslims want sharia law. Sharia law is the cornerstone of Muslim totalitarianism, a system totally at odds with freedom, democracy, Christianity and Judaism. To make matters worse, many tens of thousands Europeans are converting to Islam.

At the core of Islam is hatred for Jews and Judaism. With demographics changing at an alarming rate in Europe, it is only a matter of decades before Muslims finally succeed in taking over Europe through waves of immigration, “without a shot being fired”, as predicted by Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi several years ago.

Actually, shots are being fired – by ISIS agents on the streets of Paris and other European capitals. Europeans are now in a panic, running a defensive operation only, as ISIS and other Muslim terrorist organizations have declared open warfare on Western civilization, taking the jihad to the streets of Europe.

In a recent interview on Israel’s Radio 103 FM, the Chief Rabbi of Brussels, Rabbi Avraham Gigi, explained why he feels there is no future for Jews in Europe: “There is a sense of fear in the streets, the Belgians understand that they too are targets of terror. Jews now pray in their homes [as opposed to at synagogues] and some of them are planning on emigrating”.

He added: “I think making Aliya to Israel is an important thing for every Jew.”

In the new Europe emerging before our eyes, the fate of the Jewish people will be at best dhimmitude, and at worst genocide. That’s why Israel is necessary. That’s why the current generation of Israeli politicians must strengthen the Jewish State and not weaken the only safe haven for Jews in the entire world. In the Middle East, surrounding the fortress Israel now being constructed by Benjamin Netanyahu, we are witnessing chaos of Biblical proportions, right next to Israel’s borders.

The Arab world continues to fall apart while the terrorist shadow of Iran and Russia looms over the remnants of Sykes-Picot. Only Israel and Jordan survive in their original form from the new states created by British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill in 1922. Lebanon is dangerous and divided, dominated by Iran’s fascist organization Hezbollah. Iraq and Syria have fallen under the hammer of ISIS or the Russian/Iranian imperialist coalition, stirring up a civil war of Sunnis versus Shias. America’s retreat from the region under Obama has been a disaster, as has the entire Obama foreign policy, which supported the failed Arab Spring and tried to put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, Libya and Syria. Obama is still obsessed with supporting the terrorists in Fatah and Hamas.

Israel must not give up another inch of Judea and Samaria. In fact, it’s time to get rid of the Palestinian Authority and introduce Israeli civil law in the whole of Judea and Samaria. Then the Arab terrorists must be crushed as they were in the 2nd Intifada. Whoever is not arrested should be paid to leave Judea and Samaria.

The dream of Israel living peacefully within one country with the Arabs/Muslims has died a death this year with the 3rd Intifada and the rise of ISIS. The Two-State Solution is now impossible. And Caroline Glick’s dream of a single Israeli state with a large Arab population having Israeli citizenship is unfeasible. I used to think Mordechai Kedar’s Eight-State Solution for the Arab cities were the best alternative option to the Two-State Solution but now I’m not so sure. The rise of ISIS and the radicalization of two generations of Arabs under the rule of Yasser Arafat have thrown gasoline into the fires of jihadi Nazism left over from the disastrous legacy of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Hitler’s Grand Mufti.

The hatred on the Arab side is so great that it is no longer conceivable that the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank can live as good neighbours to the Israelis. You can see the hatred in their eyes as Palestinians run amok with knives in the streets of Jerusalem. There is no short-term cure for Arab Jew-hated. It is a mental illness. The peace partners in which the United States and the Europeans have invested so much money over the last 20 years have become just another symptom of the Arab world’s fall from grace. Radical new steps must be taken by the Israeli government to save Israel from being engulfed in a whirlwind of Islamic horror which is the only future on offer from the Arab world.

Australian blogger David Singer points to the Jordanian Option, wherein the Hashemite Kingdom takes over the Arab cities in the West Bank. In a perfect world, this would offer the ideal solution to the Palestinian problem. After all, Jordan was created as Arab Palestine. Unfortunately, the Hashemite Kingdom has nothing but memories of Black September, when the PLO under Yasser Arafat tried to take over Jordan in a violent coup in 1970. Jordan gave up the West Bank in 1994 because they could no longer deal with the Palestinian problem. More Palestinians died at the hands of King Hussein in Black September than during the whole of the 100 year conflict between the Palestinian Arabs and the Yishuv, the British Mandate and the State of Israel.

Perhaps if the secular Palestinian opposition were to take over from the Hashemites, David Singer’s plan could work. But their leader is in exile in England and, while there is no secular opposition to take over, the Muslim Brotherhood camp within Jordan poses a serious threat to Israel. Another Hamas in Jordan would destroy the last stable Arab regime left over from Winston Churchill’s Middle East legacy of 1922, now that Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are basket cases.

Israel will always face a cancerous threat of Islamic destruction whilst almost two million rabid Jew-hating Arabs are living in Judea and Samaria and east Jerusalem. With each decade and each new generation, Arab hatred for Jews and Israel grows stronger and stronger. Israel cannot give up the West Bank if it wants to survive as an independent nation. The Jordan Valley is essential to the defence of Tel Aviv and the coastal cities on the Mediterranean. This is a reality only one American president, Lyndon Johnson, understood. Moreover, with more Jews moving from Europe to find refuge in Israel, Judea and Samaria offers a new frontier for Jewish settlements right in the heartland of the ancient Jewish civilization.

The Arabs in Israel, like the Romans, the Byzantines and the Ottomans, are a leftover legacy from colonial occupation that lasted almost 1300 years. Most of them are descendants of recent migrants from the Ottoman Empire. They belong to the Arab world, which possesses vast expanses of imperial territories stretching over 22 Arabic-speaking countries. The Palestinians are thus settlers from a foreign occupation. Those who have accepted Israeli citizenship are the only free Arabs in the Middle East. Deep inside, as they watch the Arab world falling into chaos, the Israeli Arabs know they are better off living in freedom in Israel.

Martin Sherman’s “humanitarian” solution for the Arabs is thus the only realistic outcome for Israel in this age of Islamic terror. Israel must secure its borders if it is to survive, especially the Jordan Valley. The government has no other option but to introduce Israel civil law into the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority is no longer legitimate now that the Oslo Accords have been torn up by Abu Mazen. It must be dismissed. Israel needs to root out the terrorists in east Jerusalem and the West Bank. After this has been done, the Israeli government must negotiate directly with the Arab families in the cities which currently lie inside Zone A of the West Bank, now ruled by Abbas. For those Arabs who wish to stay and prosper in Israel, there is the carrot of Israeli citizenship as a potential peace offering. For those Arabs who will not abandon their hatred of Jews and Israel there is only one option. Pay them to leave. Make them an offer which is so good that they have no other option but to accept the money and go.

The enemy within is one that Israelis have lived with for over a century. No country will survive if it suffers the presence of millions of fifth columnists who wish to undermine the security and safety of the nation. Europeans are going to learn this lesson during the next few decades. Israel has already learned this lesson – many times over, intifada after intifada. The Israeli government owes it to Jewish people worldwide to finally confront decisively the Muslim fifth column inside Israel. Israel is militarily strong. Its economy is vibrant. The time to act is now, before the cancer of Islamic terror inside Israel becomes fatal. The time to end Palestinian terrorism is now. This means ignoring all the protests of the Americans and the Europeans. This means the Israeli government must stand tall for Israelis and Jewish people in the diaspora to finally make the Jewish Homeland secure and safe from internal threats.

Only then can European Jews escape the ghosts of Nazism which are haunting the continent and head for the new frontier of the State of Israel. Only then can Israel face its own 1940 confidently, and fight the external threats of Hizbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, with its worldwide network of ISIS agents.

David Semple is a filmmaker and writer from Canada. He is currently writing a book called Jerusalem in the Age of Imperialism and is writing a film script about Field Marshal Allenby’s Palestine campaign.

[The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Jewish Media Agency.]

Caroline Glick, , One State,