Tag Archives | Jerusalem


Finally, a one word answer to BDS

By Shelley Glaser For years the Israeli government, its people, intellectuals and pro Israel advocates have been trying to find a way of dealing with the BDS movement which has been so successful worldwide, not because of the justness of its cause but because it has plugged into the highest ‘moral’ compass and value since […]

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Our Conscience Comes First

By Paul Mirbach Tisha b’Av holds an unfairly insignificant place in the Jewish calendar. Well, at least that’s what I think. This day of mourning, which is accompanied by a fast, commemorates the fall of the Second Temple and the exile of the Jews from our land. I can think of no greater calamity that […]

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Lloyd George

David Lloyd George and the Liberation of Jerusalem

by David Semple Israel would not exist today were it not for the brilliant wartime leadership of David Lloyd George during the First World War. For it was Britain under the leadership of Lloyd George which created the Mandate of Palestine with a policy of Zionist nation-state building. And it was Lloyd George who made […]

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Palestions Riot in Jerusalem

Sunday 9th August 2015: Rock-Throwing, Rioting in Jerusalem Area. Clashes Between Arabs And Israeli Police In Northern Jerusalem And Near Ma’ale Adumim; None Hurt. Dozens of Arabs Blocked Roads And Threw Rocks And Firebombs at the Israel Police and the Border Police on Saturday Night 8th August 2015 in the Arab Neighbourhood of Isawiyya in […]

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Pyramid to rise above Jerusalem skyline

Daniel Libeskind and Yigal Levi’s ‘Freedom Pyramid’ high-rise building to change face of capital’s city centre. A new high-rise building called the Freedom Pyramid will change the face of Jerusalem’s downtown area. The project, conceived by architects Daniel Libeskind and Yigal Levi, will see a multi-purpose tower comprising commercial shopping and residential units atop the […]

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Haredi Music Star Narrowly Escapes Arab Lynch Mob

Yishai Lapidot is extremely thankful Sunday, after he narrowly escaped being “lynched” by Arabs in Jerusalem Saturday night. Haredi singer and musician Yishai Lapidot is extremely thankful Sunday – after he narrowly escaped being “lynched” by Arabs in Jerusalem  Saturday night when he made a wrong turn into a large mob of Arab youths who were about […]

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Palestinian Man Killed in West Bank

Arabs clash with Police and IDF in Israel A Palestinian man has been killed in clashes with IDF troops at the Qalandiya checkpoint by the West Bank. Earlier today Palestinian gunman in a car with PA number plates fired shots at an Israeli car traveling on the road. No injuries were reported and the IDF […]

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