Now that Europe has finally and openly turned on Israel, by announcing today that officially that products or produce arriving in the European markets, must be labeled as such, if it’s comes from the areas outside the Green line (the areas that was Israel before the 1967 war).
Now this is a very serious development and one of the most openly anti semitic, anti Jewish, anti Israel moves done to the Jewish people, since the second world war or the holocaust. The world has not learnt anything from its history and just carries on with its program of attempting to eliminate us, the Jewish people, off the face of the earth.
Now I heard interviews from the European leaders and their foreign ministers as to the reasons for the labelling, but they deny very strongly that it has any thing to do with anti Israel at all. They say its a ‘technical’ thing as people or consumers are entitled to know exactly from where the products originate. Great, but why is Israel the only country in the WORLD that has to label her products in ‘occupied territory’ and not any other country in the world? There are many areas in the world where there ios disputes and conflicts over over land occupied by rival countries and in NOT ONE of these conflicts, is any other nation required to label products or produce from those disputed areas. Does this not smell right? I THINK IT STINKS OF ANTI SEMITISM.
Now what are we going to do about it?
We are heading towards the ‘times of the truth’. We are in the last moments before the Messiah is going to come. All the signs in the world events of today are pointing in this direction. All of mankind is now being put to a test, a very big test.
The test is, who is on the side of evil and who is on the side of good, who is on the side of deception, lies and untruths, and who is on the side of the absolute and pure truth. All of mankind is being and going to be judged for their decisions that they are now making. And its not an easy test. The media has been misinforming and has been running a disinformation campaign on all of mankind, using very clever tactics and concepts (like democracy, and human rights, and equal rights etc), that the people in the middle of this have been totally mixed up and confused as to what is right and wrong. Today, it is not easy at decide what is right and what is wrong, what is the truth and what is lies or false.
I think that because the Jewish people are the appointed people of G-d, and we are the ones appointed to lead the way, by example of truth and good, that it is now up to the people of the world to show which way they are choosing. Are they with the good of the world, or with the bad of the world. I believe that everyone in the world has to take upon himself the mission of defending good against evil, truth against lies. and they way to go about it, is to physically to go out and buy, support and spread the word, of what is really going on, and actively support the Israeli produced produce, be it from Israel itself, or the so called settlements of Judea and Samaria.
I would like to start and encourage EVERYONE to talk about this situation we all find ourselves in, foe everyone to go out of his way to actually SUPPORT the products coming out of Israel. Go out and look for the Israeli products, and ask for themat your local supermarkets, create a demand for them, and teach and explain, what this campaign is all about.
I would like the non Jewish world, from all the nations, to join in this campaign, and I really believe this campaign can, for once and for all, show and beat the evil and lies (falsehood) that is driving the world today.
I would like the leaders of their congregations and organisations, to take up the mantle and actively promote this campaign. It is a campaign of doing something about it, and not just talking about it. Going out and participating in it, with your means and not donations, but with choice. Nothing is expected for nothing, but purely by choice of where to want your choices to be channeled.
The laws requiring us in Israel, to stipulate that the products come from Israel, Yehuda and the Shomron, will be turned against the evil planners, that want to ruin and destroy Israel financially and to lead to the destruction of our state as a result. They would in the end be doing us all a favour, by making it that much easier to identify what products come from us, and make it much easier for all the people of the world,make their decision, which way the choose to go and to be judged.
With great love for the good and truth of the world.
Alan Silver – Israel.