Archive | Opinion

Pulse Orlando Terrorist Attack

It’s global jihad, stupid

Shouting “Allahu akbar,” a 29-year-old American citizen with roots in Afghanistan entered a Florida nightclub at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning and committed what is being called “the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.” Prior to slaughtering at least 50 people and seriously wounding dozens of others, Omar Mateen phoned 9-1-1 and pledged allegiance to […]

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Martin Sherman

INTO THE FRAY: Imbecility squared – Part 1

INTO THE FRAY: Imbecility squared – Part 1 By: Martin Sherman “Commanders for Israel’s Security” are a group I would much rather respect than ridicule, but drivel is drivel, even when it comes from men with an illustrious past and an accumulated 6000 years of security experience One does not have to be a military […]

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Russia: Israel’s best hope for Mideast peace?

Russia: Israel’s best hope for Mideast peace? By Jonathan Fenton-Harvey Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin were in good spirits when the two leaders met in Russia’s capital on Tuesday. It was, in fact, Netanyahu’s third visit to Moscow in than a year. It’s quite noteworthy if one considers that Netanyahu […]

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Philistine cities

Abbas’ poor grasp of Palestinian history has a peculiar relevance

Abbas’ poor grasp of Palestinian history has a peculiar relevance If Mahmoud Abbas is so proud of being leader of a people named after ancient Greek sea-farers who invaded the land of Canaan and occupied its southwestern coast, he should accept the limits of his forebears’ territorial victories and acknowledge the Gaza Strip as the […]

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Meet the British Muslims who want free speech – but only for themselves

Meet the British Muslims who want free speech – but only for themselves By David Semple This week I attended an interfaith meeting in Manchester dedicated to ending racism in Britain and hatred between religious groups. Dr Siema Iqbal promoted an organisation to which she belongs, called Mend, Muslim Engagement and Development. Mend seeks to […]

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Yossele (Joseph) Greenstein - 'The Mighty Atom'

The Mighty Atom: The story of a Jewish strongman

The Mighty Atom: The story of a Jewish strongman By Steve Zeff It is very rare that one comes across the story of a man who was a true living legend. Usually there is so much hype and unsubstantiated ‘facts’ around the person portrayed that anybody with a modicum of common-sense can debunk them with […]

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David Semple

David Semple talks about Ken Livingstone and the UK Labour Party

  David Semple is a filmmaker and writer from Canada. He is currently writing a book called Jerusalem in the Age of Imperialism and is writing a film script about Field Marshal Allenby’s Palestine campaign.   [The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author and do not necessarily represent the views […]

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In unity with Israel

An Israeli man hangs Israeli flags for Yom Haatzmaut By Raphi Bloom As I reflect on the end of a hectic week, one in which I went from the sorrow and heartbreak of Yom Hazikaron (the memorial day when we remember those in Israel who lost their lives in battle or to terror) to the […]

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