By Wayne Kopping
Ok, here is what I believe is going on now. The Palestinians know that the world has lost interest in them.
Most thinking people have long come to realize that theirs is a nation that is built solely on perpetual victimhood, and nothing else.
They excel in only terror, bloodshed and corruption.
As a people, they haven’t contributed to the world in any significant or practical way, in any way, shape or form.
No inventions. No cures. No art or culture. Nothing.*
Other than the usual Jew-hating die-hards, (and self-flagellating Jews), the world has largely grown tired of the Palestinian’s perpetual self-sabotage – and is moving on to other more interesting stories.
So the Palestinians know that they need to become ‘relevant’ again.
Which is why they are now on a killing spree, and are randomly murdering innocent Jews, (mothers, fathers, babies), in the HOPE, yes hope, that the IDF will come in and bomb their towns and villages.
You see, the Palestinians need a war now so that they can get onto the front pages of newspapers. Again.
That’s what their Jihad, and intifada are for.
And make no mistake, the only thing Arabs love more than dead Jews, are dead Palestinian children.
And that’s what they are hoping will be the result of any IDF actions in their territories. Dead Palestinian children.
And so, as in past years, when the IDF do everything in their power to prevent civilian deaths, in particular, of children, the Palestians will, as always, find ways of putting their children in harms way.
Nothing serves their propaganda purposes better than images of dead children, paraded through the streets like trophies – human chum for a demented media.
And when they can’t find enough pictures of dead Arabs for their Twitter feeds, they’ll just use Syrian or ISIS casualties, and palm them off as victims of Israeli aggression. Business as usual.
Rather than finding ways to evolve as a people, to join the community of nations, to find ways to work together with the Israelis, the Palestinians have only chosen intifada, intifada, intifada.
What is needed is an Arab leader like Mandela, who could move his nation forward. But we all know that such an individual would be murdered by his own people within the first year of his campaign.
And so we’re left with where we are. Palestinians once again murdering civilians, inducing Israel to war.
This is the cruel calculus at play, and this is what I believe is behind this newest convulsion of Palestinian/Arab/Radical Islamic terror we’re witnessing now.
And so, when the war does start, and the horrific images do appear in your daily news, let’s not lose sight of what’s really happening – and why.
*Blame the “occupation” for this and you’ve lost.
Wayne Kopping is a Director, Editor & Co-Writer. Some of his works can be seen in the links below.