Tag Archives | UK

Cameron and Netanyahu

Brits actively opposed to Israel are in the minority, reports show

Brits actively opposed to Israel are in the minority, reports show By Jonathan Fenton-Harvey Across the Western world, antipathy against the State of Israel appears to be widespread. For many, this is the surface impression anyway. Much of this sentiment is confined to university campuses, with many Jewish/pro-Israel students reporting an air of contempt towards Israel. […]

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Palestine Mandate

British Labour’s War Against Israel 1947-1949

British Labour’s War Against Israel 1947-1949 By David Semple In 1921, the two-state solution for the British Mandate of Palestine was put in place by Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill. Most of the territory of the Mandate was turned into the newly created Arab state called Trans-Jordan. None of the Zionist provisions of the Balfour Declaration […]

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Ivan Lewis

UK Labour MP Ivan Lewis – Statement on Syria

Photo via Twitter UK Labour MP Ivan Lewis – Statement on Syria I would like to thank constituents and party members who have contacted me regarding the Governments proposal to authorise Uk armed forces to launch airstrikes against ISIS Daesh in Syria. There is no more important decision that a Member of Parliament has to […]

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David Cameron at the Crossroads

By David Semple British Prime Minister David Cameron is the West’s best hope since the political demise of Canada’s Stephen Harper. But he must improve his foreign policy and show he is a world statesman like Blair and Thatcher. Justin Trudeau, the newly-elected prime minister of Canada, may well go down in history as the “Canadian […]

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If Not Now, When?

By Alan Gold There is an old story about a man caught in floodwaters and marooned in his house on the roof. As the floodwaters were rising, first, a man in a dinghy came by and said, “get in”, and the man on the roof replied, “No Thanks, I’m praying and waiting on the Lord.” […]

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Beware the Corbyn-led insurgency that holds moderates to ransom

. By Richard Mather This is an uncomfortable time to be a political moderate or Jewish, or indeed both. The ascendancy of Jeremy Corbyn and the militant rise of the anti-Zionist hard Left in Britain is a reminder that extremism of all kinds is a risk to the well-being, happiness and security of the UK’s […]

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Anjem Choudary

Choudary Behind Bars – A Step in the Right Direction

Choudary Behind Bars – A Step in the Right Direction by TJ CAPLAN Am I the only one cracking open the champagne this week?  Finally, radical preacher Anjem Choudary is behind bars.  He has been charged with recruiting for terrorist group Islamic State (IS) and has been remanded in custody until the end of August. […]

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School involved in Chasidic sect’s ban on women drivers is rejected for state aid

A Chasidic school in north London which earlier this year threatened to ban pupils whose mothers drive has had an application to become state-aided rejected. Beis Malka girls’ school, one of two schools runs by the Belz Chasidic sect in Stamford Hill, learned this week that Hackney Council had decided against granting it the status […]

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